Comprehensive Fire Damper Inspection & Maintenance | LSS
LSS Life Safety Services® (LSS) can provide fire and smoke damper inspections per code requirements. Above all, expert LSS technicians will assist you in keeping your facility in compliance with all local and state building codes. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the International Building and Fire Codes require regular maintenance of fire and smoke dampers. Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ’s) such as the Joint Commission, fire marshals and insurance risk auditors enforce these requirements.
LSS’ fire damper inspection and smoke damper inspection services include:
- Inspection of fire dampers, smoke dampers and combination fire/smoke dampers 1 year after installation for all facilities. Every 4 years thereafter in non-healthcare facilities, every 6 years in hospitals.
- Locate and operate (i.e. actuate) all fire dampers and smoke dampers in your facility. Removing and resetting the fusible link to verify the damper fully closes.
- Mark the location of the dampers on drawings, AutoCAD plotting available.
- Manually activate electric smoke dampers and pneumatic smoke dampers. This is to ensure that the actuator is operable and to verify it fully closes.
- Provide a web-based master report via our exclusive reporting software, LSS Site Surveyor listing all code required information: location of damper, damper number, whether the damper passed or failed, and detailed reason for failure.
- A summary report providing statistical review of the fire and smoke damper inspection project. Provides a “snapshot” overview of the condition of your facility.
- “Before” and “After” pictures of every damper.
NFPA also requires that fire and smoke damper repairs begin without delay. To learn more about our damper repair services, click here.

In response to multiple states and municipalities passing legislation regarding “qualified personnel” for damper inspections regarding NFPA regulations, LSS Life Safety Services® has multiple Certified Damper Inspectors on staff to meet your safety needs.
Our Certified Damper Inspectors have received intensive training and passed the ANAB/ANSI Accredited CFSDI-1 Exam through Safenetix to receive their ISO17024 Certification.